organisation · self improvement

My top 7 tricks to make the most of your Sunday (and prepare yourself for the week ahead)

Sundays, for me, are the most important day of the week, because if you don’t use your Sunday properly, you can make your Monday mornings so much more stressful. (As my Dad always says, Poor Preparation Promotes Poor Performance!) I have listed below my top 7 tricks to help you get the most out of your Sunday! 

fashion · Fashion Fridays

Fashion Friday’s: Gisele Bündchen at Rio

So as you may (or may not) be aware, Gisele Bündchen is a Brazilian supermodel, who walked down the longest catwalk of her life at the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics! She walked from one end of the stage, all the way to the other, (which is 400 feet long!) whilst ‘Girl from Ipanema’… Continue reading Fashion Friday’s: Gisele Bündchen at Rio

hack · home improvement · organisation · self improvement

Beginner’s Guide to OS Finder Tags! (and how to organise them!)

So for those people who don’t know, Apple have these ‘tags’ that you can use to tag your files, documents and even folders with different colours, so you can easily differentiate between them. They’re useful if you need to quickly find a document, but they can also help to organise your files into different categories… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide to OS Finder Tags! (and how to organise them!)

recipes · Tutorial Tuesday's

Introducing: Tutorial Tuesday’s!

In an effort to be more religious when it comes to publishing blog posts, I have created a new day of the week to go alongside Fashion Friday’s! (Introducing… Fashion Fridays!) (Drum roll) Introducing… Tutorial Tuesday’s!!  It pretty much does what it says on the tin – every Tuesday I will post a tutorial of… Continue reading Introducing: Tutorial Tuesday’s!